With the sacred signatures of Param Pujya gurudev, the constitution, aims and the names of the trustees of the Shaktipeeth.
To fulfill Gurudev's resolutions and to fulfill the goals of yug Nirman yojna, to bring the of divinity in human beings and heavenly atmosphere on the earth, the Vatika Shaktipeeth is busy in achieving its goal by doing individual, family & societal refinement by way of ethical Kranti & Thought Kranti. From time to time, for having Darshan and for getting training the Parijans come from far distances. The Yajna, Sanskars, Upasana, Sadhna, Meditation, yog-exercise Satsang are performed daily on regular basis in the shaktipeeth .For public proper boarding and lodging arrangements are there.
Shaktipeeth is doing activities under the principal of Puja Gurudev Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya and under the the umbrela of Shantikunj Gayatri Pariwar.
Address: gayatri Shakti Peeth
Chinour, Shahjahanpur
U.P., India Pin-242001
Contact Person (Dr.Rakesh Kumar-President)
Contact no. : +91 9451960125
Coordinator- Manvendhu Shukla(+91 9415528005)
With the sacred signatures of Param Pujya gurudev, the constitution, aims and the names of the trustees of the Shaktipeeth.
To fulfill Gurudev's resolutions and to fulfill the goals of yug Nirman yojna, to bring the of divinity in human beings and heavenly atmosphere on the earth, the Vatika Shaktipeeth is busy in achieving its goal by doing individual, family & societal refinement by way of ethical Kranti & Thought Kranti. From time to time, for having Darshan and for getting training the Parijans come from far distances. The Yajna, Sanskars, Upasana, Sadhna, Meditation, yog-exercise Satsang are performed daily on regular basis in the shaktipeeth .For public proper boarding and lodging arrangements are there.
Shaktipeeth is doing activities under the principal of Puja Gurudev Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya and under the the umbrela of Shantikunj Gayatri Pariwar.
Address: gayatri Shakti Peeth
Chinour, Shahjahanpur
U.P., India Pin-242001
Contact Person (Dr.Rakesh Kumar-President)
Contact no. : +91 9451960125
Coordinator- Manvendhu Shukla(+91 9415528005)
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Company information: Gayatri Shakti Peeth
gayatri Shakti Peeth Chinour,
+91 9451960125, 9415528005
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